因為這兩天買了新的雜誌來看, 附了一本藝廊的宣傳本, 裡面的好幾副畫讓我
的眼睛馬上呈現大心的狀況 --> 雖然圖畫很貴,但是也迫不及待
想要趕快認識一下這個畫家.. DAVID DOWNTON, Kent出生的英國時尚
插畫家. 相信常看時尚雜誌的人應該有看過他的作品才是...
David Downton was born in Kent, in the south of England in 1959. He studied at Canterbury ( Foundation year 1977- 1978) and Wolverhampton (BA hons illustration/graphics 1979-1981). In 1984 he moved to Brighton and began his illustration career. For the next 12 years - a period he describes as 'wagging my tail when the phone rang' - he worked on a wide variety of projects ranging from advertising and packaging to illustrating fiction, cook books and, occasionally, fashion.
In 1996, the Financial Times commissioned him to draw at the couture shows and since then David has become known principally as a fashion illustrator. His reports from the shows have been seen internationally, in the US, China, Australia and the Middle East, as well as in almost every leading UK broadsheet and supplement.
David’s commercial client list includes: Tiffany & Co, Bloomingdales, Barney’s, Harrods, Top Shop, Chanel, Dior, L’Oreal, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, V Magazine and the V&A Museum. In 1998, he began working on a portfolio of portraits (from life) of some of the world’s most beautiful women, including Erin O’Connor, Paloma Picasso, Catherine Deneuve, Linda Evangelista, Carmen Dell'Orefice, Iman and Dita Von Teese.
In 2007, David launched Pourquoi Pas? the first ever journal of Fashion Illustration. He is a visiting Professor at London College of Fashion, and in April 2009 received an honory doctorate from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco.
其實不管他哪裡來的,或者是否有接受過正統的藝術教育, 他的圖畫就是
讓人看了很喜歡:)))) 但是我也並不會因此就去買一幅畫回來掛, 寧可是
各方收集雜誌然後剪貼成一個大作品, 掛在牆上自己欣賞:)
下面有幾張都是畫廊有在賣的, 可以看這個畫廊 lumas.de
其實, 有些人會花大錢去買一幅畫, 一個攝影作品, 一個雕塑品, 或者其他任何
稱得上是藝術品的東西. 到底, 藝術這個東西能不能夠用錢衡量?! 我覺得是
不行的. 藝術就是生活裡面會看到的東西, 是美感的表現, 但是也有可能你我
感覺不同而出現不同的價值, 在我看來是垃圾的東西或許就是你的寶貝,
所以, 這種東西, 你要怎麼用錢去衡量呢?! 花大錢去買, 有時候對我來說
可是..怎麼會說到這裡來哩....Orz 準備睡覺去......