1. whowhatwear.com
with a girl of the month, inspiration boards and styling tips, this hands-on site has style all sewn up.
2. garancedore.fr
the girlfriend of blogging guru The Sartorialist shares fashion illustrations, street style and chic musings - belle!
3. streetstylelondon.blogspot.com
cute homegrown fashion shoots and snaps of inspirational shop windows are the highlights of this site
4. lookbook.nu
upload your own fashion pics and browse others on this addictive site
5. showmeyourwardrobe.blogspot.com
peek at the cool crowd's wardrobes, from musicians to designers and all the creatives in between
6. jakanjil.com/blog
an insight into a model's life - from fashion shows to off-duty dressing
7. thirtydaysofstyle.blogspot.com
the same fashionista is photographed each day for a month
8. streetpeeper.com
brwose the chicest dressers all over the world without leaving the house
9. tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com
she's only 13, but her fresh fashion eye and intelligently witty comments are pure style inspiration
10. fashionrogue.com
the images on this site are artwork- the latest magazine covers and compaigns are the focus.