
雖然義大利輸球又沒有進去十六強, 我們還是要來欣賞一下這些美男子

的身體... (誤)

因為跟姊妹聊到球員所以想想乾脆來造福大家,貼幾張美圖好了. 雖然也


這些都是官網上面抓的唷~ 想要在自己的大螢幕上面多看幾眼的請到這裡:


Antonio Di Natale, Vincenzo Iaquinta, Claudio Marchisio, Federico Marchetti, Domenico Criscito

其他的球員事蹟請自己看最下面的介紹 (也太不負責了吧?!?!? ), 還是先放



老實說, 他們的腹肌都好可口... 喔不, 是好健美. 右邊第二位那個球員一直讓我

想到德國隊的Gomez ..好煩. 最討厭Gomez了. 

最左邊那位真的應該去拍電影的, 踢球太可惜了(誤)


其實看來看去我最喜歡最右邊的那位, 腹肌最健美, 表情最呆, 眼睛好冷酷但是

好漂亮. (所以其實我是中藍眼的標?! )


每一尊都讓我想到義大利的大衛像呀~ 不然就是達文西畫的人物們.. 



其他的背景圖片太黑了,就不貼了. 還有拍攝幕後花絮, 也有幾個不錯的pose

唷~ 請大家繼續去養眼~ 

然後就是不負責任的人物介紹了: (一樣是官網來的=_=|||)

The new advertising campaign for Dolce&Gabbana Underwear stars five of the most representative Italian football players. Antonio Di Natale, Vincenzo Iaquinta, Claudio Marchisio, Federico Marchetti and Domenico Criscito are the new faces and bodies of the Dolce&Gabbama Underwear advertising campaign. The players, photographed by Mariano Vivanco in a vintage style changing room, display healthy and athletic bodies sculpted through rigorous training sessions and discipline.

The protagonists

Antonio Di Natale is a forward player for Udinese football team. In 2009/2010 he became the top goal scorer ever in the team's history. He first wore the National team shirt at the age of 25 on November 20th 2002. On November 18th 2009, in occasion of his 30th game with the team, he wore the captain's band with the National team for the first time in the friendly match Italy- Sweden (1-0).

Vincenzo Iaquinta played his first match with the National team in March 2005. He scored his first goal for the team in the game against Ghana during the 2006 World Cup, which Italy went on to win. Since 2007 he is a forward player for Juventus football club.

Claudio Marchisio grew up in the youth black and white team and currently plays midfield for Juventus football club. At the young age of 24 he had already worn the captain's band for the black and white team during the Juventus- Fulham game of the Europa League this past March 11th (3-1). He made his debut with the National team August 12th 2009 at the age of 23 in the friendly match Switzerland-Italy (0-0).

Federico Marchetti was nominated best goal keeper for the 2008/2009 season on October 22nd 2009. Currently he defends Cagliari's goal and he is the second goal keeper for the National team with which he made his debut at the age of 26 on June 6th 2009 in the game Italy- Northern Ireland (3-0).

Domenico Criscito is a midfielder/defender for Genoa cfc with which he has played over 100 games. He has played in all the youth National teams and on August 12th 2009, at the young age of 22, he made his debut with the premier National team in the friendly match Switzerland-Italy.

The photographer

Internationally-famed fashion photographer Mariano Vivanco shot this advertising campaign in addition to four Dolce&Gabbana publications which highlight the privileged relationship of the brand with the sports world: the books Calcio (2003), Milan Dolce&Gabbana (2006), Milan Family (2007), 2006 Dolce&Gabbana Italia Campioni del Mondo (2006) and the calendar with AC Milan's football players as protagonists (2008).


看完這一堆以後, 其實我要跟大家澄清: 我根本就沒有在支持義大利隊的啦XD

其實...這整個國家除了食物還有古蹟之外我都不愛, 所以,對不起各位深愛義大利


但是不得不說, 這廣告拍得很有fu, 非常值得買大張海報回來家裡貼牆壁的 ~~~ 

沒進十六強之後,可以再拜託多拍一點這些廣告嗎?? 謝謝. 


p.s 我要準備回家了. 這幾天留言還有更新都很慢唷. 


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